Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yesterday afternoon I picked the boys up early from school ( I know, WHAT was I thinking with only 2 days left!!!) and we headed to the commuter rail so we could hit the Scooper Bowl.  We were originally scheduled to head in today (because it's my birthday) but it is raining, and the weather people actually predicted it right.  So off we went yesterday.

When you arrive you are given a spoon.  DO NOT THROW AWAY said spoon.  This happened to us last year.  Seriously, I think we ALL threw our spoons away after the first ice cream last year.  We were graciously given a second spoon, but we were determined NOT to make that mistake this year.  The ice cream was great.  My favorite was the mango sorbet from ciao bella gelato.  Mmmmmmm.  For a list of all the flavors available go here.  The crowds were pretty crazy up at each vendors booth.  Before John joined us, I was afraid I was going to lose a boy.  They were great though and did a pretty good job sticking with me.  J gets easily distracted though, so we discovered early on he should NOT be in front!
After gorging on ice cream (J had 10!!!) we walked through the North End and went here for dinner.  We didn't eat much, but just needed a little something not sweet.  Then we walked back to the train, jumped on the 6:10 and had the boys in bed by 7:30!  Perfection!


preppyinnewengland said...

Oh!...Preppy Sue was there too! We haven't been in a while. Such fun tho!

Henley on the Horn said...

wow! What a fun evening! i'm so impressed they were in bed by 7:30! You rock!

Seersucker Scrapper said...

So fun! I just have to get there one of these years!!!!

Travelbugmom said...


Hannah said...

Just reading your blog for the first time today! We are background twinkies!

bevy said...

Love days like that! That's one for the books... and read it again when things are CRAZY in your house this summer! xox